how to calculate annualized volatility from monthly returns in excel?


Calculating Annualized Volatility from Monthly Returns in Excel

When analyzing the performance of a stock, fund, or investment portfolio, it is important to understand the volatility associated with the returns. Volatility measures the fluctuations in price or return over a given period of time and is often expressed as an annualized rate. In this article, we will demonstrate how to calculate annualized volatility from monthly returns in Excel.

Step 1: Import Monthly Return Data

First, you need to import the monthly return data into Excel. This can be done by cutting and pasting the data from another program, such as a financial service provider or a stock trading platform. Make sure the data is in a table format with date columns for each monthly return.

Step 2: Calculate Annualized Volatility

To calculate annualized volatility, you need to use a formula that takes the square root of the variance. The variance is calculated by dividing the cumulative standard deviation by the number of monthly returns. The cumulative standard deviation is the average squared deviation from the mean, weighted by the length of each period.

In Excel, you can use the following formula to calculate the cumulative standard deviation:


To calculate the annualized volatility, you can use the following formula:

`=ROOTN(12*STDEV.P(monthly_returns), monthly_returns)`

Replace "monthly_returns" with the name of your monthly return data column and "12" with the number of monthly returns.

Step 3: Format the Result

The calculated annualized volatility will be a number between 0 and 1. You can format this number as a percentage by entering the following formula into the cell containing the result:

`=FORMAT(ROOTN(12*STDEV.P(monthly_returns), monthly_returns), "0.00%")`

Replace "monthly_returns" with the name of your monthly return data column.

Calculating annualized volatility from monthly returns in Excel is a simple process that can provide valuable insights into the risk and performance of your investments. By understanding the volatility associated with your returns, you can make more informed decisions about your portfolio and its potential performance over time.

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